Wær (Vör)

Icon art by me. Available to buy on Redbubble.

The Old English counterpart of Vör, or Vǫr. Vör is attested in the Prose Edda [1], where She is said to be wise and inquiring, and that nothing can be concealed from Her.

Vör’s name is a feminine version of the Old Norse word varr, meaning aware or wary [2]. A search of the Indo-European Lexicon [3] for aware lists as a related OE adjective wær, meaning aware, or careful [4]. This was a solid match to the ON, and became the name I chose to refer to Her.

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Snotor (Snotra)

Devotional art by me. Available to buy on Redbubble.

The Old English counterpart of Snotra. In the Prose Edda, Snotra is listed as a Goddess who is wise and courteous [1].

Snotra, an Old Norse word meaning clever or wise, has a relative in OE: snotor, meaning “prudent, wise, sagacious[2]. This was a natural choice for an OE theonym.

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